Start Redefining Your Image With These Top 5 Steps

Did you know that reinvention is a normal process in the animal kingdom? Just think of the complete physical transformation of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly… fascinating! In any case, I am of the school of thought that the average person should experience several reinventions during a lifetime. Over the years I have gotten used to clients looking perplexed upon first hearing this concept, until they start seeing results and realizing the power of purposefully redefining their image. As we ascend through the different chapters and phases of our life, our image (appearance, behavior, communication) should positively reflect our aspirations, growth and achievement. Why is it so important you may ask? The truth is that image in its broader definition plays a huge role in the success of everything. Whether conscious or not, we judge and get judged within seconds of every interaction. Based on that fact, the better question is: shouldn’t we then try to always present our best image? ABSOLUTELY!


In the hope of inspiring your own transformation, here are my top 5 steps to start redefining your image:

The very first step to start any project is to identify and/or clarify your vision “desired outcome”. What‘s your goal? What kind of lifestyle/job/career, are you seeking? In the Harvard Business Review, Lecturer Tony Mayo highlights the importance of clear vision in successful leadership. His article also points out how the lack of it has caused the downfall of many CEOs. Like Mayo, I strongly believe that knowing exactly what you want is crucial to achieving your goals. So the more precise and specific you can get, the more success you’ll likely have with the remaining steps.   

Equally important, is to take an honest assessment of your current image. Who do people see when they come in contact with you? What kind of image is your appearance, behavior, communication skills etc projecting? What are your stats? As I mentioned in my first post, follow my blog for a future post on some key techniques on how to conduct an effective assessment.   

I know some people won’t like the term weaknesses; however if you want to successfully achieve your desired outcome, you must be honest in identifying your weaknesses or shortcomings. They simply represent the “gap” between where you are and where you need to be. What needs to improve and change, for you to be ready to step into your desired image? What skills, style, grooming etc are you missing?

Once you’ve identified the missing links, you can now start planning the steps to strategically close the gap with some: what (training, wardrobe), when (evenings, weekends), how (online, second-hand store) etc. Again, I do recommend that you get very specific regarding every action step.

Accomplishing step 1-4 WITHOUT 5 leaves you exactly where you started; nowhere. “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. In my opinion, there’s no better way to say it, as success is truly an action word.

When done honestly and correctly, the above steps are very effective. Over the years, this process of redefining your image has become part of my own continuous self-improvement analysis metrics. I am a subscriber to Anthony J. D’Angelo’s “Become addicted to constant and never-ending self-improvement.” Your image should grow and evolved with you.

Redefining your image

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